A Lark and her Momster
A Lark and her Momster is an informational yet fun podcast that dives into the depths of mother/daughter relationships… the highs and lows, nature vs nurture, hormones, healthy boundaries, and the importance of loving one another through it all… or not?! The podcast is hosted by Larkin Galeas and her “mom-ster” Susan.
Each episode will focus on topics most moms and daughters deal with throughout their relationships. From birth to adulthood the joys and the struggles are real. Episodes are live, unedited, and will occasionally include guest moms and/or daughters who’ll share their stories. Plus we'll feature a different wine (under $20/bottle) to make the episodes even more fun!
A Lark and her Momster
Ep. 12 Accurately Pronouncing Samhain
Featuring: Witches Brew… Spiced Red Wine - popular wine for fall or winter, mulled & layered, an aromatic celebration of traditional autumn spices. Try it room temp, warm, or devilishly hot!
Chances are many people don’t know the connection between the Celtic celebration of Samhain (pronounced Sah win or Sow in) which marks the onset of Winter and our current celebration of Halloween. It’s both Lark and Momster’s favorite holiday. It’s also a time when there’s a “threshold” between this world and the one beyond (if you believe that kind of thing) and the opportunity to honor those who’ve gone before us. We also share how Celtic children’s (Skeklers) use of animal skins and straw while dancing to neighbors’ home and begging for gifts (Guising) was the impetus to dressing up for “trick or treating!”